Fundraising Goal = $2600

I have a huge passion to see our efforts succeed in the village of Atta ne Atta as well as the surrounding area that is supported by this village. It’s a bit like grinding a path out through tough ground since we can’t be there often enough and the world seems to have forgotten to love humans regardless of location and influence. But I can say without a doubt that it’s worth every second and every sacrifice I can make towards this!
For the upcoming trip in January 2020, my passions are split into two areas:
First, is finishing the well projects we have going on in Atta ne Atta, Atarekan and Brifa Nyimso… Three communities that send their children to the new school in Atta ne Ata. I desperately want to see a long term solution to their need for reliable access to clean water.
Second, I want to work on two areas of critical need in Atta ne Atta and the surrounding villages. One is building our relationships with them to be even closer and more authentic. I hope to do this through modeling what it means to be a brother coming alongside their visions and dreams. I want to pour into their lives hope, tools and more through modeling the love of Jesus Christ to them. The other area is a physical effort to finish the dedicate the new school in Atta ne Atta! We are going to deliver much needed supplies to the school we have built as well as provide some training for the new teachers.
As a man who follows Jesus with all I can, as often as I can, I am “marked” or “called” to co-create a world of encouraged servant leaders. I do this by connecting people to one another, by listening for the voice of the Holy Spirit so I can speak words of affirmation, encouragement and teaching and by helping others to find their God given purpose in this world.